and your eligible dependents.
In general, you’re eligible for coverage if you are a regular full-time or benefits-eligible part-time employee of RRD or any of its participating subsidiaries. See the Summary Plan Description and any related SMM for additional details.
A dependent audit is coming in early 2025. During Annual Enrollment, review your enrolled dependents and confirm they are eligible under plan guidelines. Checking now will save you time and help prevent any problems later on if you are found to have enrolled an ineligible dependent.
Eligible Dependents
Your Spouse
Including common-law spouse in states that recognize common-law marriages
Your Domestic Partner
Your Children
Your children to age 26, including your natural, legally adopted, stepchildren or foster children; children for whom you are the sole legal guardian; and your domestic partner’s children
Children with a Disability
Your dependent children age 26 and older who are incapable of earning a living because of a disability, subject to conditions defined in the SPD and any related SMM
Ineligible Dependents
Your parents, grandparents, adult brothers and adult sisters Unless you are the sole legal guardian (as noted above) A spouse/domestic partner or child(ren) covered as an employee or as a dependent of another employee under the PlanExtended Family
Others Covered by RRD
If Your Dependent(s) Become Ineligible
If your dependent(s) become ineligible for coverage under the Plan, you must call the Benefits Center 1-887-773-4236 or visit to remove them from coverage generally within 30 days of the date they cease to be eligible. Claims will not be paid for ineligible dependents.
RRD conducts ongoing audits to confirm dependents newly enrolled under the Plan are eligible for coverage.
Losing Eligibility
Medical, prescription drug, dental and vision coverage for you and/or your eligible covered dependents ends on the last day of the month in which you fail to meet eligibility requirements. In some cases, you will have the option to continue benefits through COBRA.